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h o m e | m e e t o u r t e a m | o u r s e r v i c e s | n e w p a t i e n t s | c o n t a c t u s | s i t e m a p
If your tooth is damaged but not lost, a crown can be used to restore its shape,
appearance and function. You may need a crown if you have a root canal,
a large filling in a tooth or a broken tooth.
A crown, also called a cap, is a hollow, artificial
tooth used to cover a damaged or decayed tooth.
The crown restores the tooth and protects it from
further damage. Crowns can also be used to
cover a discolored or misshapen tooth. A tooth
that has been fixed with a crown looks and
works very much like a natural tooth.
Crowns are designed to look and feel like real
teeth. As with your original smile, care must be
taken to avoid tooth fracture and with good oral
hygiene, your crown will last longer.
It is recommended that you:
brush and floss around your crowned tooth thoroughly to remove
decay-causing germs
see your dentist regularly to help prolong the life of your crown
ask your dentist about special cleaning aids
We offer variety types of dental crowns, metal free, precious metal, PFM, or
Zirconium crowns. Please discuss with our dentist to find the perfect one for
your situation.
Crown - Restoring Damaged Teeth